Making Time to Write

Balancing a Busy Life with a Passion for Writing

Nate Schloesser
8 min readDec 12, 2023
A happy writer amid chaos—MidJourney

My life is absolutely crazy. Seriously, it’s nuts. I juggle work commitments with a vibrant family life, where my role as a husband and a parent to five wonderful kids intertwines with involvement in their sports and our local church. Amidst all this, I’ve found my sanctuary in writing, a pursuit that both challenges and fulfills me.

My writing journey began earnestly three years ago with a technical handbook for UX Designers. This project was more than just an exploration of my professional expertise; it was a stepping stone into the world of technical writing. Since then, I’ve embarked on writing two other technical books focused on various frameworks, but I’ve learned that passion is a critical driver in such endeavors. When my interest waned, so did my commitment to these projects, leading me to abandon them.

However, not one to be deterred, I set myself a new challenge: to enhance my writing skills through consistent practice. I committed to writing an article a week. In the beginning, managing an article every two weeks was a feat in itself, but as time passed, my capacity and skill grew. By the end of that year, I could craft an article every two days, noticing significant improvements in content quality and narrative flow.

One question that frequently surfaces in conversations is, “How do you find time to write?” It’s a query that resonates with many aspiring writers who grapple with their own busy schedules. I want to share with you the strategies and routines that have enabled me to weave my passion for writing into the fabric of a demanding, yet fulfilling, life.

Tip 1: Rising Early for Quiet Productivity

My day starts in the serene hours between 4 and 5 am, marked by a routine that sets the tone for focused productivity. Upon rising, I begin by starting the coffee pot, followed by a refreshing shower. Then, with a hot cup of coffee in hand, I settle into my morning. This early wake-up is a conscious decision to embrace the stillness of dawn, which provides an ideal backdrop for writing and meticulous planning, undisturbed by the day’s usual distractions.

To make my early morning routine feasible, I’m disciplined about my bedtime: I try to hit the pillow by 9:00 pm, definitely no later than 10 pm. This is crucial to ensure I get the rest I need. Now, you might wonder, ‘But Nate, aren’t you constantly exhausted?’ With five kids and a handful of boisterous dogs, being perpetually tired was already part of my reality. The difference now? I’m channeling some of that energy into productive writing. A pot of coffee a day also helps. Jokes aside, I’m not lacking sleep. In fact, I’ve discovered that 6–7 hours of sleep is the sweet spot for me. Oddly enough, I feel more drained if I sleep longer than that.

If you’re considering adopting this early-rising habit, start by waking up slightly earlier than your usual time and gradually extend this earlier wake-up time. It’s essential to establish a calming bedtime routine and create a sleep environment that promotes rest. Remember, what works for me may not suit everyone. If you’re more of a night owl, your productive hours might be in the late evening. The key is to find the time of day (or night) when your creativity naturally peaks and make that your dedicated writing time. You might soon find that these hours, whether at dawn or dusk, become your most creatively productive. Do what works for you.

Tip 2: Utilizing Tidbits of Time

In our daily lives, we encounter small pockets of time that can be immensely valuable for writing, often hiding in plain sight. I’ve honed the skill of seizing these moments. Take my lunch break, for instance, which used to give me a solid hour (less so these days). Then there’s the two hours on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, during my son’s football practice, and not to forget, the three hours every Wednesday evening when I’m in my truck waiting during my four daughters’ ballet classes. These are golden opportunities for me to immerse myself in writing. Though I do break it up and watch their practices too. With my bedtime mirroring that of my children, these moments become even more critical.

To capitalize on these snippets of time, I’ve made it a practice to keep my writing tools always within arm’s reach. I’ve trained myself to switch into a writing mindset swiftly, allowing me to effectively use every minute. These intervals have largely replaced other personal hobbies; my video gaming is now solely a bonding activity with my son, and my guitar is primarily for church. By consciously choosing to dedicate these periods to writing, I’ve managed to significantly enhance my productivity. Though each of these time slots may seem brief, they collectively add up, making a considerable impact on my overall writing progress.

Tip 3: Capturing Inspiration on the Go

One of my key strategies has shifted from relying on physical notebooks to using the Notes app on my phone for recording ideas as they emerge. This change was pivotal. While I appreciated the tangible feel of notebooks, I frequently found myself misplacing them or forgetting to bring them along. Now, with the Notes app, my thoughts are well-organized and constantly at my fingertips, which is invaluable for extensive projects like the ‘Elemancer Chronicles.’ This digital repository is where I store everything from plot concepts to character outlines.

The truth about inspiration is that it can strike at the most unexpected times. Being prepared to capture these flashes of creativity is essential. I recommend adopting a digital tool that is always with you, making it easier to seize these moments of inspiration. Switching from physical to digital not only prevents you from losing your precious notes but also aids in organizing your ideas more effectively. The most crucial thing is to record your thoughts immediately, wherever you may be, ensuring that no sudden surge of inspiration is lost.

Tip 4: Embracing AI as a Collaborative Tool in Writing

Incorporating AI tools like ChatGPT into my writing process has been a game-changer. At first, I experimented with AI to see if it could mimic my writing style. However, I quickly discovered its real value as a collaborative partner. AI assists me in brainstorming, rephrasing, and generating names, sparking new ideas and perspectives that I might not have considered on my own.

I am unashamedly in favor of using AI in my writing. It has not only improved my work when I actively use the tool but also enhanced my writing skills overall. AI in writing shouldn’t be seen as a threat but rather as a powerful asset. Just as the writing world transitioned from typewriters to word processors, the integration of AI is another evolutionary step in the craft of writing. This transition was met with resistance by some, but it ultimately proved to be a beneficial advancement.

Using AI effectively means recognizing it as a tool that complements rather than replaces human creativity. It should be seen as an extension of the writer’s toolkit, offering new angles and ideas that can enrich the writing experience. Embracing AI in the writing process is a forward-thinking approach, acknowledging the potential of technology to enhance our creative capabilities. It’s about leveraging the best of what technology offers to elevate our craft. As a writer, why wouldn’t one take advantage of such a resource? It’s there to be used, to push boundaries, and to explore new possibilities in storytelling and expression.

Tip 5: The Role of Support in Creative Pursuits

My wife, Jenn, has been a cornerstone of support in my writing journey. Her role extends beyond understanding and encouragement; she is vital during both my intense creative bursts and quieter periods. Jenn provides both emotional and practical support, often taking on more responsibilities at home to allow me to immerse fully in my writing. She also plays a significant role in my creative process, offering honest yet supportive critiques of my work. Her feedback, though sometimes tough to hear, has been crucial in refining my writing.

Recently, as I began working on a fantasy series, this journey of writing has evolved into a family activity. I’ve shared parts of the story with my children, involving them in the process. They’ve read chapters and manuscripts, offering their unique perspectives, and have even helped in naming elements like desserts in the story’s world. This involvement has been tremendous. Not only do they support me, but it has also allowed us to spend quality time together, with them actively participating in the creative process. Their enthusiasm and input have added a new, rewarding dimension to my writing.

Having such a support system is vital for writers. It could be a family member, a friend, or even a writing group. This network provides emotional backing and practical help, enabling you to balance life’s demands with your creative endeavors. Jenn’s involvement in my creative process, especially her critical insights and encouragement, greatly enhances my writing. Open communication about your needs and aspirations with your support circle is key. The combination of emotional and creative support, like the kind Jenn provides, can significantly improve your writing journey. I am certain I couldn’t do this without her.

Wrapping Up

Ever since my teenage years, the dream of writing books, stories, and articles has been a constant in my life. However, it wasn’t until I reached the age of 34 that I truly began to invest the necessary effort and make a significant shift towards realizing this dream. This journey, while challenging at times, has been incredibly rewarding. Often, the most fulfilling achievements are those that demand the most from us.

I’ve shared various strategies that have helped me balance a busy life with my passion for writing — from maximizing the quiet of early mornings to making the most of every available moment, capturing inspiration on the go, embracing the collaborative power of AI, and leaning on the support of my loved ones. These aren’t just tactics; they embody dedication, effective time management, and the crucial role of support.

The essence of all these strategies boils down to one simple truth: Do the work. Make the effort. If you don’t, your writing aspirations will remain just that — aspirations. Time won’t magically appear for your passion; you must actively carve it out. Writing, or any creative endeavor, demands not just your talent, but your time and intention. It’s not about stumbling upon free time; it’s about fiercely making that time and committing wholeheartedly to your craft. Prioritize, push forward, and make it happen.

I encourage you, as readers and aspiring writers, to take these strategies as a starting point and adapt them to your own life. Remember, embracing the path of writing is not just about managing time; it’s a commitment to your craft and yourself. It may be challenging, but it’s these challenges that often lead to the most rewarding and enriching experiences. Begin your journey with intention and see where your creativity takes you.



Nate Schloesser

AKA Nathaniel A. Castle. AKAKA Nate Alan. Writer, speaker, and author. I am passionate about the field of UX and enjoy teaching, coaching, and design.